Hi Glampers,

After the government annoucement we now have a much clearer idea of how we will be allowed to operate. Please find below some further information on how we plan to navigate our way through the next few months:

We will be opening on April 16th as planned with limited facilities initially, all being well. This means there will be just 2 tents in use on the field at any one time to ensure private kitchen and bathroom facilities (in line with government advice.) Availability is very limited for this period so please get back in touch if you fancy booking a Spring stay with us. We may well open slightly ahead of time on 12th April if conditions underfoot allow.

From May 17th onwards (if the data allows) we will be able to resume normal operation with all 6 tents in use on the field.

Online bookings remain suspsended in order to maintain full control of the diary. For further information, prices and availability please email [email protected]